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Cylindrical Basin Sizing (Inches)

Starts per hour S:
Flow Peak Factor P:
Cycle Time T = 60 / S (Min): 0.00
Pump Run Time t1 = T / P (Min): 0.00
Pump Off Time t2 = T - t1 (Min): 0.00
Pump Flow in GPM Qp:
Incoming Flow in GPM Qin: 0.00
Flow during t1 in GPM Q1: 0.00
Diameter in Inches D:
Lead to Off Volume V = Q1 * t1 (Gal): 0.00
Gallons per Inch GPI: 0.00
Invert Depth:
Invert to Alarm:
Alarm to Lag:
Lag to Lead:
Lead to Off float = Q1*t1/GPI: 0.00
Off to Bottom: