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Friction Loss Calculation Table

For Water/Wastewater Using the Hazen Williams Equation

Gallons per Minute (GPM)   

Line Material C Factor Diameter (In) Length (Ft)
1 Asbestos Cement 140
2 Asphalt-lined iron or steel 140
3 Cast Iron, cement lined 140
4 Cast Iron, coated 130
5 Cast Iron, 10 years old 110
6 Cast Iron, 20 years old 95
7 Cast Iron, 30 years old 85
8 Cast Iron, 40 years old 75
9 Cement lining 140
10 Concrete 120
11 Copper 135
12 Corrugated Metal Pipe 60
13 Deteriorated old pipes 70
14 Ductile Iron 130
15 Fiberglass 150
16 Galvanized Iron 110
17 PVC, PE, GRP 140
18 Steel, new unlined 120
19 Steel, 15 years 200